Monday 15 April 2024

How close are the BBC connections with the World Economic Forum?

 Having seen the officially impartial BBC promote more and more WEF policies I wanted to find out if there were any known connections to explain the similarities between their views. It didn't take long. Their current chairman Tim Davie is one of their young leaders Tim Davie as well as two more connected high ranking officers, the World Service editor Dawood Azami while their top reporter Evan Davies appeared at  WEF Forum event as one of the speakers BBC World debate 2015

The BBC also writes very complimentary pieces on their WEF sustainable development goals. Economic Forum

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Evidence that Hamas use human shields

human shield is a non-combatant (or a group of non-combatants) who either volunteers or is forced to shield a legitimate military target in order to deter the enemy from attacking it.

  1.  Gordon, NevePerugini, Nicola (2020). Human Shields: A History of People in the Line of Fire. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520301849.

Despite the recent EU statement condemning the use of human shields by Hamas, many people don't believe they use them. It's certainly barely mentioned in the media, which explains much of the ignorance, so here is as much corroborative evidence I can find proving beyond any doubt that Hamas deliberately use their own citizens as martyrs, forcing children to sit on the rooves of buildings after Israel warn that they will be demolished, and deliberately make sure their own side's casualties are as high as possible as that grows the hatred of Israel. Martyrdom in Palestinian society

I am fully aware many people do not trust Israeli reports, but that is their problem not mine. Yet the same people accept casualty figures in Gaza entirely from Hamas reports. Here is the official Israeli government list of how Hamas use human shields.

Human shields from Israel

Using child soldiers is also against international law but are standard practice by Hamas, which in itself should tell its supporters they are backing the wrong people. Child soldiers

Mothers are brought up to believe the greatest honour to their family is to sacrifice a child through a suicide attack, and as an added incentive are paid for life by Hamas (using international aid payments) if they do so. Hamas pay to slay This is part of their culture, a fact their western supporters find impossible to accept. Mother of three suicide bombers elected to parliament

The core of the genocide story is the apparent numbers of civilians killed by Israel while cleansing Gaza of Hamas. Unlike normal armies, Hamas want as many civilian casualties as possible, deliberately using schools, hospitals and police stations to store weapons and fight from, as well as the 300 miles of tunnels (paid by international aid) where actual terrorists can hide from the Israeli forces. Unfortunately few on the left understand a people who can actually sacrifice their own civilians to win their single plan of wiping out every last Jew, starting with the middle east. Human shields

But ultimately the best form of evidence is a direct confession, which are scattered around the internet, and may change the general sentiment if actually shown on TV. Here is a two minute video showing how a typical setup is built right in the middle of a city and how they kill their own citizens firing missiles into Israel which fall short. Military video

Of course Hamas aren't the only Islamic terrorists to use human shields, but they are clearly the best. Here are some studies explaining how they are part of their culture. Human Shields in modern Jihad

Human Shields: A History of People in the Line of Fire

Hezbollah's use of Lebanese civilians as human shields

How Hamas Uses People As Human Shields (video)

 Journalist Recalls When Hamas Used Him as a Human Shield (video)

And finally here it is from the leader of Hamas's son

‘Enough of this’: Hamas co-founder’s son speaks out

Saturday 26 August 2023

The greenhouse effect


I have taken all the theory and demonstrations of the greenhouse effect in all three mediums, solid, liquid and gas to explain the mechanism and present its physical processes. Click the image to enlarge.

Monday 1 May 2023

Is Jeremy Corbyn antisemitic?

 I have simply collected direct quotes by Jeremy Corbyn plus one by his supporter in Arab media. I will leave it to the readers to draw their own conclusions.

I was just required to do a little research on Jeremy Corbyn's views, it's far worse than I realised. I knew he'd asked for an enquiry into the power of the 'pro-Israel lobby' on British parliament (something akin to Mein Kampf, which was enough to confirm his classical Jew-hatred alone for me) but confirming it was neither a slip nor an accident he said it again in 2017 in a letter to Theresa May the then PM
He also followed Der Fuhrer asking parliament to impose sanctions on Israel (they're actually the Jewish state so it was fairly personal)

Yes, there's more. He blamed Israel for a bombing carried out in Egypt by, no, not the IDF, Mossad or their government, but Islamic Jihadis. But Corbyn, being far more informed, believed they were told to do it by Jews.

He has also created his own fan club in the Arab world who blame guess who for his claims of being antisemitic? Yes, you've guessed it, Israel itself. By hating on Israel and being noticed and called out for doing so, it's Israel's fault.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Missing the obvious

 Until I was on social media I didn't actually realise this phenomenon existed. And even more so I never thought I'd be explaining what I assumed was obvious to other people, and then having my explanations rejected. I don't know the details about how and why people have become blinded to reality, but it's real and for me quite terrifying as it means we can be run by lunatics who are voted for by similar lunatics and there aren't enough sane people to stop it. Some examples.

Heat pumps. Costing around 10 times the price of gas boilers, but can't heat water to a safe heat or work properly under about 10C. Yet our government will be forcibly cutting off our gas and leaving us with no other option. The facts are there and very few people care.

Wind turbines. These use coal to make the steel and concrete, use huge amounts of land, and work within about 10-30mph, when they go too fast they are stopped or they will burn out. The power can't be regulated to demand, and when it's producing during low demand the power is wasted. Yet the government paid billions of our taxes to cover the sea and land with these things despite needing constant backup to keep the supply constant. Therefore we only need the backup and can get rid of the wind farms.

Driverless cars. If I have to explain why these will not work I will recommend you to hire one for a day and let me know how it goes.

Changing sex. If you can change your birth certificate if you change genders, you are not changing your gender but your sex, which under current conditions is only possible for a few fish and lizards. Mammals as yet have not managed to switch their genes from XX to XY or reverse, but the activists insists changing gender means changing sex, and men now go to gynaecologists for cervical smears. No, I'm not joking. And the basis for this is mainly 'I feel like a man/woman'. Obvious point two. How do you know what it feels like to be the opposite sex? How do you even know what it feels like to be another person? It's impossible, you can't. You can and will only ever feel like you. Not a man or a woman, but you. If anyone thinks they can prove they can feel like the opposite sex they will get a Nobel Prize.

Friday 28 January 2022

Climate change claims

 The UN IPCC and media daily turn out claims about the results of a rise in world temperatures. Having had about 40 years to test them I will quote both the IPCC and others in similar authority to see if the figures match the claims.

IPCC summary for policymakers 2021:

A.1.4 Globally averaged precipitation over land has likely increased since 1950, with a faster rate of increase since the 1980s (medium confidence). It is likely that human influence contributed to the pattern of observed precipitation changes since the mid-20th century.

A good start.

A.1.5 Human influence is very likely the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and the decrease in Arctic sea ice area between 1979–1988 and 2010–2019 (decreases of about 40% in September and about 10% in March). There has been no significant trend in Antarctic sea ice area from 1979 to 2020 due to regionally opposing trends and large internal variability. Human influence very likely contributed to the decrease in Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover since 1950.

A.2.2 Global surface temperature has increased faster since 1970 than in any other 50-year period over at least the last 2000 years (high confidence).

It depends who and when you get it from.

There are plenty more conflicting diagrams out there from equally important sources. You decide.

A.2.4 Global mean sea level has risen faster since 1900 than over any preceding century in at least the last 3000 years (high confidence).

Seems like they hoped no one would check up on this one. As a directly measurable parameter at any time since we invented rulers, collected sea level data from tide gauges, floats and measuring poles worldwide are the most direct proxy for world temperature. It is directly connected to rising temperatures, half through expansion and half through melting land ice. Taking into account the variations between different estimates, the only common factor here is that the IPCC claim is wrong, as the sea level rises feet in a decade coming out of the regular ice age recoveries alone, and clearly far more than the period quoted by the IPCC from the diagrams.

A.3 Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. Evidence of observed changes in extremes such as heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and tropical cyclones, and, in particular, their attribution to human influence, has strengthened since AR5.

In fact two of these claims are fairly new. Hurricanes and tornados were not expected to increase until this report, and as they actually haven't it makes you wonder why they have now lumped them in with all the other extremes.

A.3.4 It is likely that the global proportion of major (Category 3–5) tropical cyclone occurrence has increased over the last four decades 

Maybe a visit to Specsavers is required.

A.3.5 Human influence has likely increased the chance of compound extreme events18 since the 1950s. This includes increases in the frequency of concurrent heatwaves and droughts on the global scale (high confidence), fire weather in some regions of all inhabited continents (medium confidence), and compound flooding in some locations (medium confidence).

There isn't much available on floods, but as we found the rainfall was indeed increasing then this would follow. But the others, not so much.